
Sudip Bandyopadhyay

Sudip Bandyopadhyay has been in the world of advertising, communication and design for the past 20 years. An artist, painter and photographer, Sudip has headed the creative department of some of India’s biggest advertising agencies, including Ogilvy and McCann.

After telling elaborately produced 30-second stories for almost a decade (Sudip has directed over 200 ad films), he has recently directed a simple, human story called Hope Aur Hum in the long format. Advertising teaches you how to communicate well in a short time, whereas feature films give you a larger canvas to build on. He finds immense joy in both the mediums.

Meticulous and extremely passionate about his craft, Sudip doesn’t shy away from demanding perfection from those around him. He loves handling difficult subjects and striking the right emotional chord through inspiring stories and performances. When not at work, Sudip is happiest cooking yummy food and inviting his friends over.

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